In addition to the basic web based access to the Temp-i-Troll systems as well as our DDC systems, Tri-Star Control Systems now offers advanced analytics of these systems. This software analyzes the data from the systems to determine if there are issues that should be addressed. It is like having an expert look over your building every day. The system will analyze the data and look for potential issues with the equipment such as stuck valves, short cycling, excessive runtime, etc. It can also compare sites in terms of key performance indicators (KPI), such as energy consumption, water usage, etc. The system can be set up to automatically email reports and alerts when issues arise.
There are three example views shown below
- KPI – This compares several sites based on Boiler Water Usage, Boiler Runtime, and Spark Count
- Spark View – This shows a particular site which has a boiler short cycle detected.
- Spark Detail View – This shows all the data for the time around the spark shown.

KPI View

Spark View